Understated loveliness

This has been a week of understated loveliness with so many kind comments and offers of help as I slowly regain energy, that I have felt overwhelmed and very, very grateful.

Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes)
Canon 5DSR, Canon 100-400mm L IS II USM
1/800, f/5.6, ISO 1600, focal length 400mm

It seems fitting to share a species that I think fits the description of understated loveliness. This time last year I was walking with my youngest daughter and her baby, the same sweet baby that hugged me through the glass today. We dawdled at the oval, watching Crested Pigeons searching for seeds among the dry grasses.

Unsurprisingly I had my camera with me, and unsurprisingly I was soon flat out on the grass taking photographs. I love the pastel colours in this shot, they seem to emphasis the gentleness of this unassuming species. Its fine feathered crest stands out against the blurred background while the pigeon’s pinkish-red foot stands out in the narrow line of in focus grasses.

Examining the colours of this pigeon I’ve suddenly been reminded of 1980s kitchens! Crested Pigeons make a characteristic whistling sound when they take off due to a modified wing feather. They can often be identified at quite a distance as they raise and fan their tails when they land.

I have caught up with comments from last month and will catch up with last week’s comments as soon as I can. I feel that we are part of a wide birding family, it’s a comforting thought.

Happy birding from home, Kim

~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group  Ethical Bird Photography

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