Seriously tiny thornbill

I love this comical shot of a tiny Brown Thornbill as it posed in the last rays of sunlight a few days ago.

Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla)
1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 1600, focal length 560mm

These tiny birds weigh about 6 or 7g, that’s pretty much the same as a teaspoon of sugar, and as I’ve mentioned before, you could hold one in your hand and not know it was there. They are 9-10cm long, which includes their bills and tails. This bird’s leg is a little blurred due to the depth of field but its tiny foot is quite clear, as are its bright red eyes and the minuscule feathers sprouting up from its head and sides – totally exquisite.

It’s been interesting this week to see Pied Currawongs come in for a drink at the birdbaths, they look crazily massive compared to the tiny thornbills, fairywrens and pardalotes.

Stay safe, happy birding, Kim

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