Night dancers

The very last of the day’s light lit up this group of Australian White Ibis and the Royal Spoonbill.


Australian White Ibis, Royal Spoonbill
1/1000, f/8.0, ISO 800


I took this shot a while ago, crouched at the water’s edge at the Hunter Wetlands, Newcastle, NSW. It was a warm, peaceful evening watching the birds quietly foraging as the light disappeared. The Royal Spoonbill’s stretch looked magnificent and I like the way one of the ibis looked towards it as it danced.

The crest on the back of the spoonbill’s head, a nuchal crest, is distinctive during the breeding season. In this image the red and yellow skin patches can just be seen on the spoonbill’s face. I especially like the patterns of the reflections and wish I could magic my way back to a similar scene.

I named this image ‘Night Dancers’ so used the same title for the post – now I’m wondering whether many googlers will have an unexpected surprise when this post isn’t quite what they were expecting.

Happy birding



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