Eastern Rosella inside

As you know from previous posts I share my place with a lot of birds, 141 species so far and several other calls that I’m yet to identify. But I never expected to find an Eastern Rosella in my lounge room.

Eastern Rosella (Platycercus eximius)

I was running a little late for a meeting so bowled into the lounge room faster than usual only to hear a very disconcerting sound that stopped me in my tracks. Perched on my windowsill was a beautiful Eastern Rosella. I was totally mystified as to how it had got inside but have decided it probably came down the chimney while looking for a hollow. The chimney damper wasn’t completely closed, it is now. I wondered for a while if it had come in through a door as I often leave them wide open.

There are a number of hollows at here, along with some nesting boxes (I need to get more) but maybe they are all occupied apart from the one used by last week’s Australian Wood Ducks.

I quietly closed the doors into other rooms and opened the front door and the double sliding doors to the back garden but the rosella didn’t want to stray from the windowsill. I have a net for catching injured birds but it wasn’t appropriate for this rosella. It flapped its wings strongly and ran back and forth along the sill so I carefully picked it up with a towel and carried it a few steps to the door. What a beautiful sight it was to see it fly straight to the bush.

I had my camera handy so took a quick photograph from the kitchen door, across the dining room to the far side of the lounge room. Without this shot I’m sure people would have figured a starling or myna had come down the chimney and that I’d had too much whisky on my cornflakes.

Happy birding

Happy birding, Kim

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