AGNPOTY finalist, again!

I was rapt to be a finalist in last year’s Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition but to have made the cut two year’s in a row is seriously exciting.


The Hand of Man
Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor)
1/1600, f/8.0, ISO 400
Canon EOS 5DIII, Canon EF 100-400mm L II IS USM


Sadly this year’s image isn’t a pretty one. When I first shared it I hid it beneath a non-graphic image but this time it seems silly to do that as it will be seen in the AGNPOTY exhibitions and the Australian Geographic book. I hope no one is too horrified, or if they are I hope they write a note to the Victorian Premier about banning duck shooting.

I had to write a character-limited caption to accompany the image, it reads: “During Victoria’s duck shooting season rescuers found spent cartridges, dog prints and freshly shot protected species, along with this Little Penguin which the zoo vet said had injuries consistent with dog attack. Instead of a catchlight in the penguin’s eye it is captured in the droplet of blood.

I was on the foreshore of the Western Treatment Plant, just east of the Beach Road boat ramp, with two rescuers from the Coalition Against Duck Shooting. They had responded to information that shooting had been taking place in the area and I was with them in case they found any dead or injured birds. Which they did. There was a Pied Cormorant, a Musk Duck, a Grey Teal and this Little Penguin. The Grey Teal is a so-called ‘game’ species which can be shot but which should not have been abandoned, the others were all protected species – Grey Teal are protected for nine months of the year.

One of the rescuers noticed the ‘no shooting’, ‘no dogs’ sign and held the penguin beside it – it was a photograph that had to be taken. Usually if I am photographing something that isn’t alive I lower the shutter speed and the ISO but in this case the poor Little Penguin was still bleeding and I decided to try to capture a drop of blood as it fell. It took concentration and it was sickening.

My finalist image in last year’s AGNPOTY (The Pollinator) sold several copies, I don’t expect anyone to want The Hand of Man hanging in their home but I do hope that it helps to spread awareness about the duck shooting season and that maybe, just maybe, this will be the last year that our drought-affected native waterbirds are shot for ‘sport’.

Happy birding



NB  My sincere thanks to the three judges of this year’s AGNPOTY competition. The full list of finalists is due to be announced on 28 June, I will post a link when it becomes available.

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28 comments to AGNPOTY finalist, again!

  • Eleanor

    In capturing this moment this poor penguin’s death wont be in vain. It will now be raising awareness for all our beautiful native birdlife so senselessly killed and maimed for recreation. Congratulations on this prestigious recognition of your skill and hard work!

    • lirralirra

      The poor bird was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time and it would be good if something positive could come from such sadness. Thank you for your kind words and caring about the loss of native birds during the shooting season

  • Tess

    I don’t get how duck hunting can be allowed. Its heart breaking.

  • jacob Sife

    “Quack Lives Matter!”

    Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg wrote in his memoir SHORTEST WAY HOME, about activists protesting the removal of geese with “Quack Lives Matter!” signs. I don’t know if that has been used for the duck hunting season in Victoria but its a good slogan.

    Thanks for your work Kim.

    • lirralirra

      Thank you Jacob. It’s great that people are speaking out across the planet for our wildlife! I’ve heard Pete Buttigieg speak and was impressed, I’ll put that memoir on my to-read list.

  • Alison Moore

    Well done Kim for bringing this sad image to the public via the magazine. Our animals deserve to have champions such as yourself to bring their plight into public view and so, we hope to change mans behaviour.
    All the best,

    • lirralirra

      Thank you Alison. It’s great to have words of support like yours, and to know there are so many others who care about our wildlife.

  • Jay

    How did this penguin actually die? Was it shot, or was it mauled by a dog, fox or something else? It is dangerous to jump to conclusions, and also fraudulent to portray an image, saying that it was shot by hunters when it looks (to me) to have met some other dastardly fate. If not foxes, wild or uncontrolled “pet” dogs are more than likely the cause of penguin deaths on land, and they make a great snack for seals, when swimming in the sea.

    • lirralirra

      I agree with you about jumping to conclusions Jay, no one has done that. Everything was explained as it happened, including the information about the zoo vet’s opinion.

  • Big congratulations to you Kim. Best wishes in the final judging. Cheers Jan

  • Kev

    So the penguin was shot

  • I am not surprised you made the finalist list again.
    Talent will out.
    My heart aches at your subject though. So much.
    Sometimes I think that our wildlife would be better off is, as well as the no shooting, no dogs signs there was another which simply said no people.

    • lirralirra

      Oh dear, we really have made things bad for so much of the natural world, hopefully leadership across the planet will soon join the countries that are striving to do better

  • Margot

    Well done, Kim. Such a brave decision to enter this image, and may it help to raise awareness.

  • Judy Egan

    Good on you Kim for having the fortitude and guts to post and enter this image. I hope it awakens and changes many minds about the shameful so-called ‘sport’ of duck shooting.

  • Alyssa

    It’s so brilliant to have this incredible photo having such a wide platform to raise awareness about the disgusting duck shooting season in Victoria. Well done on your amazing work receiving this prestigious recognition!

  • Marg

    So sad to see this Image. But it is thought provoking and needed to be taken. I have already written to the premier. He doesn’t care. Good luck with your entry.

  • Lilla

    Wow incredible work. This is such an impactful and emotive photo.

  • Well done Kim. Not a ‘nice’ photo, but a very graphic photo admirably suited to the entry requirements for the competition. Best wishes for a win this year round.

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